viernes, 4 de marzo de 2022

La hermandad de la luna 9.4

La siguiente escala de Christian es el AMW en Santa Cruz. Encuentra la puerta abierta, así que baja de la camioneta e ingresa. Adentro está Owen entrenando a dos chicos y una chica. El instructor le sonríe y se le acerca a solo centímetros, como para tener una conversación más íntima.

“Welcome, dude – what can I do for ya?”

“No, sir”, rebate Christian. “What can I do for you, instead? And I can do a lot of things for you, Owen.”

El instructor invita al abogado a sentarse en el escritorio de la entrada.

“Get me on the spot, please, cuz I don’t get ya.”

“You know those accusations are so embarrassing for you, embarrassing for this business, embarrassing for your new friends. The next’s gonna happen is Migrations Police will come here to detain you. If that happens, you’ll be expulsed to South Africa, and everything you’re building here to become shit.”

“So, what’s your deal, Christian?”

“I’m a lawyer, Owen. I can block that detention. I can make your time here to be better. I can give you three pretty things you need: advice, defense, and protection. So, quit this. Come with me. I have a house, I have connections, I have all you need to avoid you go to the jail.”

“In exchange of what? My long, bold cock into your warm  ass?”

Christian se toma unos segundos para responder a eso.

“I don’t deny I like you, and I loved the way you fucked me that night. You know? I got at a strange jungle. I didn’t feel your strong and huge cock into my ass. I didn’t feel pain but pleasure, pleasure and peace – love, Owen! We made love!”

Owen no ha perdido su sonrisa desde que la conversación en voz baja comenzó.

“Yes, we made it. I made it ynto ya, actually, because I thought it could work to change your mind, but I’m giving you up.”

Christian sonríe extrañado:

What… do you mean?”

“You know who’s behind you, Christian Esteves. You know who killed Monolo Rodríguez. And now, you know who I am, an anticorp activist. I tried to change you with the power of love, but you are too dirty and polluted to understand you have to give up after all those years somebody gave you a hand to survive. What did you do? Betraying him. And you’re gonna betray her. And you’re gonna betray me.”

La expresión de Owen cambia. Christian puede ver la rabia en sus ojos, como si aquella selva se encendiera en llamas. Siente, además, que está a punto de perder el sentido. Un portazo lo interrumpe todo.

“¿Buenos días, doctor Christian”, saluda Flor tragando saliva y con su celular en la mano.

El abogado reacciona como si hubiese regresado de un sueño que lo sorprende y lo asusta. Al frente, Owen sigue con su rostro serio. Christian se pone de pie y retrocede un poco.

“That’s my fucking last offer, Mgombo. Then, nobody’s gonna save you.”

El instructor no reacciona y permanece sentado, mientras sus tres alumnos miran la escena asustados. Frustrado, Christian da media vuelta y sale del gimnasio. Todavía turulato, se sienta en la camioneta, bebe un poco de agua. Siente que recupera el control de sus sentidos.

I’m sorry, Owen. Tú y todos tus amigos se irán a la misma mierda”, le dice al retrovisor.

Christian arranca la camioneta y se va pueblo adentro.

 Mira un video aquí.

En el gimnasio, Owen se tranquiliza progresivamente.

“Excuse me”, se disculpa ante Flor.

“I don’t mind, Owen. There’s something most important than this.”

Flor le extiende su celular.

“César found something, didn’t he?”, se anticipa el instructor. “Ya already have a Rosetta’s Stone, so ya need a Champollion.”

“How do you know that?,” se sorprende Flor.

“I’m not that Champollion, pretty lady, but that one was here last night. Call him right now before they attack.”


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