domingo, 20 de noviembre de 2011

Tourism4Hunks – The Land of Everlasting Heat

Piura, in the north-west of Peru, is one of the hottest regions in the world, not only for its weather but their men.
Even at the highlands, you’ll find guys to meet, places to explore, times to enjoy, remembrances to not be forgotten.
By plane, you can get here arriving first to Limaa, then taking other plane or bus. The first option takes one hour 40 minutes at the most; the second one is about 15 hours using non-stop services.
Other cheap chance is arriving to Guayaquil, Ecuador, and taking a bus to here that can be as longer as 8 hours. The detail is as you cross Peru-Ecuador border, you must be previously informed about custom policies.
The most appreciated international curency is U.S. dollar. One of those greens is 2,70 soles (updated November 2011 – get back in here to see changes before you travel).
What to visit? Well, Piura has beaches, deserts, agricultural valleys, dry forests, rain forests and morrs. The weird thing is that, although Piura includes a portion of andean Range, the top summit is about 3900 meters above sea level (12795 feet).
Geographically, Piura has two regions: coast (Costa) and the range or highlands (/Sierra).
The coast starts at sea level and raises until 500 meters. It has two parts, the Pacific Rim or Beaches Zone, where the best known are Colán or Máncora, but you have more options: Los Órganos, Cabo Blanco, Talara, Cangrejos, Yacila, or sechura.
People are accostumed to take sun in large swimsuits, but speedos are tolerated in many places.
Little trunks and G-strings are not common, so it could be better asking before. There are some beaches where nudism can be practiced, but are so hidden, according to many of our friends.
The other part is the combination of valleys plus sechura Desert. Here is located Piura and sullana cities, the two largest in the region, with lots of commercial and meetings options.
Although you must be alert because of crimes, especially if your contact is not safe.
If you prefer countryside, you can walk along canals near Tambogrande or Chulucanas. If you’re lucky, you can meet men taking a bath clothing like Adam, especially in the late afternoon. Only if they invite you, yu can do the same. However, in some alone places at the rivers, it is possible taking a bath totally nude as well as some little water streams and creeks.
Between Tambogrande and Chulucanas is Yapatera, the African-Peruvian center of this part and homeland of sportsmen.
The highlands have amazing landscapes. Ayabaca, Montero and Huancabamba can impress you by that.
If you’re looking for contacts, Huancabamba is more friendly than Ayabaca, which is so conservative. Take care.
Other place you can be interested in is Canchaque, where landscapes are beautiful. With some luck, men too.
If you needd to plan your trip, please contact us at for safe, accurate and non-commercial information.
We promise all the information we will provide you is trustable. However, if you have any claim, say it – don’t doubt in denouncing mistratings.
If not, enjoy. We are waiting for you.

NOTICE: We don’t support any kind of human traffic, exploitation or slavery. Infractions to this policy will be reported to authorities. We only work with legal age people here and out.

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